
It is ably known, that institution of Christmas ligneous plant was in use at
Germany of XVII century. But, a miniscule famous nowadays, how, once and
why it appeared at Germany.

One attemptable speculation is keenly bound up with

Altai Hypothesis

Indo - European civilizations.

Some historians dispute that Christianity in its European form, as healed as
tradition of New Year and Christmas occasion has confident recognizable
predecessor - believes of relatives in

Great Steppes and Altai region.

They in use character alphabets, nigh the said as grapheme alphabets of
Europe, they had a content to cheer New Year at winter, and it
was birthday of

Ulgan spirit - initiator of creation. The clan of this spiritual being is birch tree or fur-tree.

Those way of life are fragment of

- past believe, which not moving good at Siberia in the manner of Shamanism.



and constituent of picture exist, even

Native Americans

practiced quite a lot of forms of Tengriism.

But, according modern

Shamans of Siberia,
who are ancestors of Tengriism, tree is simile of eternity, it is «worlds

So, it is immensely probable, Christmas woody plant practice is extremely old one. It was
brought to us through masses centuries - from eastern Siberia,
then to Great Steppes of Russia / Ukraine, next, likely through
Attila the Hun, to Europe, next, to Christianity.

Finally, nowadays, we inert gather Christmas beside «Worlds
Tree», which is ancient image of universe, infinity and


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